Also See:
Diploma in Islamic Studies Andalus (DPIA) is a part-time program for students learning post-secondary level covering a wide range of religious discipline. It covers core aspects of Islamic education such as the learning of al-Quran, al-Hadith and al-Shariah, DPI Andalus offers subjects which focus on application, such as Islamic Worldview, Islamic Civilization, Islamic Education and Islamic Sciences.
This program aims to give the opportunity for students who have completed Andalus secondary program, Islam for Teens and other secondary qualifications offered by other Islamic institutions to go for higher education on a part-time basis. This enables them to increase their knowledge and widen their understanding of Islam, in line with current needs and challenges.
This program is open to individuals, aged 17 and above
Completed Islamic education of secondary level offered by Andalus, Cordova, local mosques or other private Islamic education centres
The management will conduct an interview to determine student's qualifications. All decisions made are final
This program is open to individuals, aged 17 and above
The management will conduct an interview to determine student's qualifications. All decisions made are final.
The minimum duration for this program is 4 years, consisting of 8 semesters. There are 6 months per semester and each semester is divided into 2 terms, each term will have 10 study weeks. For every 10 study weeks, there will be 2 weeks of exams followed by 1 week term holiday.
Semester 1:
Term 1
Study Week : Jan - Mar (13 weeks)
Exam Week : Mar (2 weeks)
Term Holiday : Apr (1 week)
Term 2
Study Week : Apr - Jun (13 weeks)
Exam Week : Jun (2 weeks)
Term Holiday : Jun (1 week)
Semester 2:
Term 3
Study Week : Jul - Sep (13 weeks)
Exam Week : Sep (2 weeks)
Term Holiday : Sep (1 weeks)
Term 4
Study Week : Oct - Dec (13 weeks)
Exam Week : Dec (2 weeks)
Term Holiday : Dec (1 week)
The registration fee for this program is $ 52.00, payable once during the registration. The monthly fee is $ 88.00 (payment through GIRO).
*Additional notes and books not included in the program fee.
Kindly visit our centres for registration or apply online.