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Adult Program (Online)

Adult Program (Online) is a part-time program that offers basic modules to meet the needs of those who do not have the opportunity to go for formal religious learning. This program emphasizes the aspects of understanding and appreciation that can be applied in daily life.


By following this program, they can fully understand the basics of Islam and understand the teachings of Islam more clearly in order to practice it as best as possible in the daily life. This program is conducted in Malay.

Learning Outcome


Mastering the core disciplines, understanding the concept of integration in disciplines and being able to relate (worldly and hereafter) to daily life.

Understandiing of Maqasid Syariah, has a clear Islamic world view and able to apply in accordance to the current context.


Believing Giving and Piety

Has praiseworthy morals and is able to put something in its place (insan adabi).

Adhering to the Quran and Sunnah in daily life and having a deep belief in Islam.

Admission Criteria:

  • This program is open to all aged 17 years and above.

  • Participants do not need to have a formal religious education background to attend this program.

  • Participants should have the basic skills in handling computers.

  • Participants should a computer with a webcam, headphone, microphone and an internet line.


  • Registration $20.00

  • Monthly $37.80

  • Fees do not include books and supplementary notes.

Program Duration and Time

The program will be held in a modular manner for 2 years. Each module will take 12 weeks.


Lessons will be held once a week for 1 hour.


In addition, students will be exposed to asynchronous learning through our online portal that provides self-learning content such as short videos and other activities which can be done before or after class.

Semester 1 (6 Months)

Term 1 : Jan - Mar 

  • Study Week: 12 weeks

  • Module 1 : 12 weeks

Term 2 : Apr - Jun

  • Study Week: 12 weeks

  • Module 2 : 12 weeks

Semester 2 (6 Months)

Term 3 : Jul - Sep 

  • Study Week: 12 weeks

  • Module 3: 12 weeks

Term 4 : Oct - Dec

  • Study Week: 12 weeks

  • Module 4 : 12 weeks

Program Syllabus and System

The program will be conducted in a modular manner for 2 years. 
It will be divided into 8 terms (1 term 12 weeks).
1 term consists of  1 module.
Participants are required to complete 8 modules in a period not exceeding 3 years.


Each module includes the following:
1-    Online classes (asynchronous).
2-    Web Conference session (synchronous) for 1 hour 15 minutes each session.
3-     Web Conference session (synchronous) for 9 hours in total (6 sessions).


Partipants are required to login to the student portal in the beginning of the term to read the notes  and watch/listen the to recorded video/audio which have been uploaded into the portal.

They are required to complete the assignments and assessments each week.
A web conference session will be held at the appointed time. Students are required to login to the portal to attend the session.


Participants should constantly login to the student portal to participate in the discussion (forum) provided Participants are also required to be active during the online discussions.

Lectures will conducted twice for 3 hours in total on a designated week.


Learning Activities

  • Quiz

  • Forum  

  • Webinar

  • Case Studies

  • Discussions



Books used for this program:

Basic Islamic Studies for Teenagers series (Andalus Textbook)

Lecturers are required to have a degree in Islamic Studies with at least 2 years of teaching experience at the youth / adult level.


Program Details (Course Outline)

Education Flowchart

Partipants who have successfully complete this program will have the opportunity to continue their studies offered by Andalus and Al-Zuhri such as Prediploma in Islamic Studies, Certificate of Religious Studies, Certificate in Arabic Studies and Certificate in Al-Quran Studies. For more information, please visit www.zuhri.com.sg


  • Diploma in Islamic Studies Al-Zuhri DPIZ (4 years)

  • Diploma in Arabic Language DPBA (4 years)

  • Diploma in Al-Quran & Al-Sunnah Studies DPQS (4 years)

  • Diploma in Islamic Studies Andalus DPIA (4 years)


  • Certification in Arabic Language SPBA – Al-Zuhri (2 years)

  • Certification in Al-Quran SPA – Al-Zuhri (2 years)

  • Certification in Islam SPU – Al-Zuhri (2 years)

  • Prediploma in Islamic Studies Andalus PPI (2 years)



Assessment and Certification


Students will be evaluated based on the following:

  • Participation in forum discussions through the student portal

  • Completed the given assignments

  • Self Evaluation (e-pendidikan)

  • Attendance in lectures

  • Login session in web conferences


Marking Breakdown

  • Participation in forum discussions through the student portal: 10%

  • Assignments: 20%

  • Self Evaluation (e-pendidikan): 30%

  • Attendance in lectures: 20%

  • Attendance in web conferences: 20%


Award of Certification

Certificate of attendance will be awarded if participants completed all modules and attained 50% and above for each module.

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